Tron 3DAlbert Vaca Jordi Petit |
In this game 2 or 4 players will compete at the same time. Each player will command several Tron-like bikes, that will spawn in predefined spots of the board.
There are several boards where the games can be played. Each board is just a graph made of connected vertices. The cool part is that those graphs have the topology of 3D models, so the game can be represented in awesome 3D graphics!
At each round, players must move their bikes. When bikes move, they leave a solid trail behind them. Bikes that crash into those trails will explode, reducing the score of the player who commands them. Bikes that just do not move for one round will overheat and explode, too! When a bike explodes, its trail will disappear.
The goal of the game is keeping your bikes alive for as long as possible, while trying to make the others crash. The players’ score is calculated based in the number of movements their bikes did. Each movement is worth 10 points so the more rounds you keep your bikes alive (and thus moving), the greater your score will be.
When, each round, the players command their bikes, they have no way to know the movements of the other players for that same round. The execution order of the actions of the different players is chosen at random, so if two or more bikes try to move to the same vertex, one at random will be allowed to move, while the others will crash!
To keep the game interesting, we have bonus items too!
In a given round, bonus items will spawn at some vertices of the board (if those are not occupied by bikes or their trails). The bikes that pick up those items by moving to those vertices and will be able to use them to gain super-powers. Note that, until used, items are kept per bike and not per player, and that a bike can only have a single item at a time, i.e. picking up a second item will replace the previous one. The following bonus items exist:
Turbo: When activated, it allows the bike to move in turbo mode for some rounds. Turbo mode is explained later on this document.
Ghost: When activated, it allows the bike to go through walls and other bikes for some rounds.
Extra points: Increases the score of the player by a small amount. This item is consumed automatically upon picking it up. Thus, it will not replace others items the bike could have.
To implement turbo mode without adding extra complexity, the following decision was taken: The total game duration is doubled, but the normal (non-turbo) bikes are only allowed to move in even rounds, while the turbo bikes can move in both odd and even rounds (thus doubling their move speed). Okay, we know it’s not the most elegant solution on the Earth, but the monkeys we have as interns were not able to find a better one. When writing your strategy, take into account that most of the times you will only be able to move half of the rounds! Also note that it is mandatory for bikes in turbo mode to be moved those extra rounds or they will explode too!
Using the turbo can be dangerous because the bike has to move the extra rounds it is given. However, those extra moves will also give the player movement points.
A game is defined by a given graph (the game board) and the following set of parameters:
nb_players: Number of teams in the game (will be 2 or 4). nb_bikes: Number of bikes per player (usually 2). nb_rounds: Number of rounds that will be played (usually 200, that means 100 without turbo). bonus_round: The round where the bonus items will appear (usually 50). turbo_duration: The movements a bike can perform in turbo mode after using a turbo item (usually 8, that means 4 extra movements). ghost_duration: The movements a bike can perform in ghost mode after using the ghost item (usually 3). score_bonus: The points given when picking up an extra points item (usually 50). All these parameters can be accessed by the players during the game.
Each board also defines a starting point for each bike and a set of vertices where the bonus items will appear, intended to be fair. To know which are those vertices, the players can check
bonus_vertices and try to get there before their rivals, but note that if these vertices are already occupied by a wall or a bike, the bonus will not appear.
The first thing you should do is to download the source code.
The source code includes a C++ program that runs the games and an HTML5/Javascript viewer to watch them in a nice animated format. Also, a ”Demo” player is provided to make it easier to start coding your own player.
Here we will explain how to run the game under Linux, but it should work under Windows, Mac, FreeBSD, OpenSolaris... You will only need g++ and make installed on your system, plus a modern browser like Mozilla Firefox or Chromium.
./Game Demo Demo Demo Demo < icosahedron.cnf > icosahedron.t3d
Here, we are starting a match with 4 instances of the player ”Demo” (included with the source code), in the board defined in ”icosahedron.cnf”. The output of this match will be stored in ”icosahedron.t3d”.
Use --help to see a list of parameters you can use. Particularly useful is --list, that will show a list with all the recognized player names.
If needed, remember you can run make clean to delete the executable and object files and start over the build.
To create a player copy the file or to a new file with the same name format (
Then, edit the file you just created and change the playername line to your own player name, as follows:
The name you choose for your player must be unique, non-offensive and less than 12 letters long. This name will be shown in the website and in the matches.
Then you can start implementing the virtual method play(), inherited from the base class Player. This method will be called every round and is where your player should decide what to do, and do it.
Of course, you can define auxiliary methods and variables inside your player class, but the entry point of your code will always be this play() method.
From your player class you can also call functions to access the board state (defined in the Board class in Board.hh) and to command your units (defined in the Action class in Action.hh). Those functions are made available to your code using multiple inheritance, but do not tell your Software Engineering teachers because they might not like it. The documentation about the available functions can be found in the header files of each class. If you have Doxygen installed on your syste, you can also generate a separate document with all the documentation running "make doxygen".
Note that you should not modify the factory() method from your player class, nor the last line that adds your player to the list of available players.
To test your strategy against the Dummy player, we provide precompiled AIDummy.o object files. This way you still won’t have the source code of our Dummy strategy, but you will be able to add it as a player and compete against it locally.
To add the Dummy player to the list of registered players, you will have to edit the Makefile file and uncomment one of the first lines matching your platform (Linux 32 bits, Linux 64 bits, MacOS...). Remember that object files contain binary instructions targeting a specific machine, so we can not provide a single, generic file. If you miss an object file for your architecture, contact us and we will try to add it.
Pro tip: You can ask your friends for the object files of their players and add them to the Makefile too!
When you think your player is strong enough to enter the competition, you should submit it to the Jutge website. Since it will run in a secure environment to prevent cheating, some restrictions apply to your code: