Given n words in one language X, and a text with m words written in another language Y, print all the possible translations of the text to X, assuming that there is a bijection between the words of X and Y.
Input consists of several cases. Every case begins with n, followed by the n words of the language X, in increasing order, each one made up of between one and six lowercase letters. Follow m, followed by the m words of the text written in Y, each one made up of between one and six uppercase letters. This text contains exactly n different words. Assume 1 ≤ n ≤ 6 and n ≤ m ≤ 1000.
For every case, print in alphabetical order all the possible translations of the text in Y to X. Print a line with 10 dashes at the end of each case.
2 bye hi 4 HOLA ADEU ADEU HOLA 4 cat dog fly horse 8 MOSCA GOS GOS CAVALL GAT GAT GAT GOS 1 one 3 UN UN UN
bye hi hi bye hi bye bye hi ---------- cat dog dog fly horse horse horse dog cat dog dog horse fly fly fly dog cat fly fly dog horse horse horse fly cat fly fly horse dog dog dog fly cat horse horse dog fly fly fly horse cat horse horse fly dog dog dog horse dog cat cat fly horse horse horse cat dog cat cat horse fly fly fly cat dog fly fly cat horse horse horse fly dog fly fly horse cat cat cat fly dog horse horse cat fly fly fly horse dog horse horse fly cat cat cat horse fly cat cat dog horse horse horse cat fly cat cat horse dog dog dog cat fly dog dog cat horse horse horse dog fly dog dog horse cat cat cat dog fly horse horse cat dog dog dog horse fly horse horse dog cat cat cat horse horse cat cat dog fly fly fly cat horse cat cat fly dog dog dog cat horse dog dog cat fly fly fly dog horse dog dog fly cat cat cat dog horse fly fly cat dog dog dog fly horse fly fly dog cat cat cat fly ---------- one one one ----------