Maximum sum of paths P36665


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You are given a tree with n nodes, where each edge has a positive cost. Let x and y be any two adjacent nodes. Define p(x, y) as the maximum cost of all paths (with no repeated nodes) whose first step goes from x to y. Define c(x) as the sum of p(x, y) for all y adjacent to x. Please compute the maximum value of c(x) among all nodes x.


Input consists of several cases. Every case begins with the number of nodes n, followed by n−1 edges, each one with two different nodes and the cost of the edge between them. Assume 2 ≤ n ≤ 105. The nodes are numbered starting at zero. Each cost is an integer number between 1 and 1000. The given graph is always a ‍tree. The number of steps between any two nodes is never larger than 1000.


For every case, print the maximum c(x), and how many nodes x achieve such a value.

Public test cases
  • Input

    2   0 1 100
    3   1 0 10  1 2 20
    4   1 0 10  1 2 20  3 1 30
    6   0 2 20  1 2 50  2 3 100  3 4 30  3 5 40


    100 2
    30 3
    60 1
    220 1
  • Information
    Salvador Roura
    Official solutions
    User solutions