Write a program to tell if a natural number n is a non-trivial power, that is, if it can be expressed as xm, where both x and m are natural numbers, and m ≥ 2. For instance, some non-trivial powers are 243 = 35, 400 = 24 52 = (22 51)2, 216000 = 26 33 53 = (22 31 51)3, and 1866240000 = 212 36 54 = (26 33 52)2. By contrast, 3, 200 = 23 52, and 432000 = 27 33 53 are not non-trivial powers.
Input consists of several cases, each with a natural number n between 2 and 106.
Print every n followed by “yes” or “no”, depending on whether it is a non-trivial power.
You should not use the mathematical function pow() nor any alike function to solve this problem.
A possible solution uses a variant of the sieve of Eratosthenes to precompute a prime factor of each number before starting to read the input.
243 400 216000 3 200 432000 1000000 999999
243 yes 400 yes 216000 yes 3 no 200 no 432000 no 1000000 yes 999999 no