Circles (3) P52274


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To solve this exercise you will need the definitions and the procedures of problems P46254, P84786 and P39799.

Write a function that prints the relationship that have two given circles c1 and c2:

int relationship(const Circle& c1, const Circle& c2);

Your function must return 1 if c1 is inside c2, 2 if c2 is inside c1, 3 if any circle in inside the other one but the circles intersect, and 0 otherwise (if the circles do not have any point in common).

Suppose that will never happen any of these extrem cases:

  • The two circles intersect in a point.
  • A circle is inside the other one, but shares a point with the border of the bigger circle.
  • The two circles are equal.

Write a program that reads initial circles c1 and c2, followed by a series of orders, and prints which relationship have c1 and c2 in each step as it is shown in the examples.


Input starts with two lines, one for c1, and the other one for c2, each one with three reals (the third the radius, strictly positive). Then a sequence of lines comes, each one of them starts with an integer i and an order s: i is 1 or 2, i indicates which circle must apply the order to; s is “move” or “scale”. If s is “move”, then two reals that indicate the increase of the coordinates come. If s is “scale”, then a real strictly positive that indicates scale factor comes.


Your program must print the relationship between the two circles at the beginning and in each step, as it is shown in the instance.

Public test cases
  • Input

    0 0 5
    1 1 2
    2 scale 10
    1 move 20 0.5
    2 move -5 -10


    the second circle is inside the first one
    the first circle is inside the second one
    circles intersect
    circles do not intersect
  • Information
    Salvador Roura
    Carlos Molina
    Original language
    Other languages
    Official solutions
    User solutions