A CME (Correct Mathematical Expression) was defined by the following rules:
This set of rules produces terms like
Unfortunately, the job to produce the CMEs was given to a half-crazy computer (a HAL’s cousin) that sometimes flipped the parentheses, from ‘)’ to ‘(’ and viceversa, thus producing terms like
We call these terms ACMEs (Almost Correct Mathematical Expressions). You are asked to write a program such that, given an ACME, computes the minimum number of parentheses that must be flipped to get a CME.
The input has several non-empty strings consisting of at most 104 characters chosen from {‘z’, ‘(’, ‘)’, ‘+’}.
For each string of the input, tell if it is a CME, an ACME, or rubbish. In the second case, compute the minimum number of flips to convert the string into a CME.
z (z+(z+z() +z
z : this is a CME (z+(z+z() : 1 flip(s) +z : this is rubbish