We define the interleaving of two natural numbers with d digits x=xdxd−1… x2x1 and y=ydyd−1… y2y1 as xdydxd−1yd−1… x2y2x1y1. For example, the interleaving of 4123 and 5679 is 45162739. Write a program that reads pairs of natural numbers and prints their interleavings.
For the sake of practice, define and use a function
to compute the interleaving of two natural numbers x and y.
Input consists of several pairs of natural numbers with the same number of digits.
Print the interleaving of every given pair.
To avoid overflows, no given number will have more than four digits, but your program should not take this fact into account.
4123 5679 312 435 22 91 8 7 3 0 0 3 0 0
45162739 341325 2921 87 30 3 0