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The input is a sequence of cases, each one in a line. Every line starts with a word that identifies it, and continues with a sequence of natural numbers ending with −1. The sum of the natural numbers of each sequence will have seven digits at most.
For each input case, print the identifier, followed by the stamp corresponding to the sum of the natural numbers of the case. Your program must print an empty line after each case.
isis 1333330 -1 osiris 4622 -1 tutankamon 6 6 0 45 3000 14 -1 papirus -1 ra 0 9999999 0 -1
isis +---------+ |G | |FFF | |EEE | |DDD | |CCC | |BBB | +---------+ osiris +---------+ |DDDD | |CCCCCC | |BB | |AA | +---------+ tutankamon +---------+ |DDD | |BBBBBBB | |A | +---------+ papirus +---------+ +---------+ ra +---------+ |GGGGGGGGG| |FFFFFFFFF| |EEEEEEEEE| |DDDDDDDDD| |CCCCCCCCC| |BBBBBBBBB| |AAAAAAAAA| +---------+