In this problem we will consider words of size n, made from letters ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’, and without more than c equal consecutive letters. Write a program that writes all words that satisfy these constraints.
Input consists of several cases, each with an n between 1 and 15 and a c between 1 and n.
For each case, write in alphabetical order all words of length n made from letters ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ that do not contain c+1 equal consecutive letters. Write a line with 20 hyphens at the end of each case.
1 1 2 2 3 1
x y z -------------------- xx xy xz yx yy yz zx zy zz -------------------- xyx xyz xzx xzy yxy yxz yzx yzy zxy zxz zyx zyz --------------------